Thursday, November 13, 2008

Working 9 - 5...

Josh's post has me thinking about the whole job situation... How is everyone doing? Liking your jobs? Happy with what your degree got you?

For those who don't know or just don't remember, I work for a very small company. It's owned by a husband and wife and their son works for them. They sell industrial fans. It's actually a lot of engineering and it's kind of hard to explain the actual process. I don't even get most of it and I've been here for almost a year. I basically am a secretary. I do slightly more than that, but not much. I definitely don't need a degree to work here. Although I will say I think you have to have some intelligence to eventually grasp these concepts.

The thing about working here is that I really like the people. There are some pretty cool extras too. Twice a year we go with out significant others (a whopping total of 6) to a fancy dinner ( when we went in April our appetizer alone was $100!) and a Christmas bonus and an end of the fiscal year bonus for my retirement fund. Plus they take me out to lunch a lot and even get me gifts for birthdays and house warmings and things of that nature. They are just really good people.

The thing is....I want to have kids. I know I still have plenty of time, but I feel like I'm just passing the time until Jake and I are ready. There wouldn't be necessarily anything wrong with that, but the purpose of them hiring me is so that sometime relatively soon Steve ( the owner) can retire. So I don't want to waste their time either. And truthfully I think I know that even if kids weren't an issue I don't think I'd fit the role they would want me to play.

But honestly I don't even want to think about changing things right now. Jake and I are still getting adjusted to owning a house. Plus, who wants to look for a job with the way things are now...


Wendy Min said...

(I think I've posted on every one of your blogs so far..anyway)

I hear ya! Kar, I think you're right. You won't be at this job forever but it's good for the time being. You might as well wait and see what happens in the future before changing everything now.

So many people are unhappy in their jobs, you might as well stick around while you like it and like the perks. It's nice to be in a personal atmosphere too!

jj said...

I think you and Jake are very well off right now. I don't think you need to change anything yet (i.e. new job, baby, etc.). Even if you may not stick with the company further down the road, the benefits you get speak volumes.

I'm part-time, living in my parents' basement, and apathetic. Sure, I'm saving up a little, but I don't see myself getting a house until I finish my loan payments -- maybe not even then. *shrug*

Still, I do enjoy having half the week off. What can I say? I'm lazy! :-D

Being with Melissa has gotten me to straighten my path out a bit instead of taking the scenic route completely.