Thursday, December 4, 2008


Don't worry million of viewers, I'm back to blog! This is a catching up post...

Let's see...what have I been doing? A whole lot of nothing that's taking up all my time! My life is pretty mundane. There's nothing really going on that I should not have any time, but it seems like every week goes by so fast and I don't know what I've filled it up with. I think a lot of the time it's the puppies. When I get home from work I make dinner and clean up, with Jake's help of course, and then play with the puppies. And all of a sudden it's 10:30 and I haven't gotten anything done. To be honest a large part of that is television = ) It's sad when plans involve making time for a tv show - every night! Oh well, so goes the nation.

We had Jake's family in town for Thanksgiving. His parents got there Wednesday evening and left Sunday morning, and his sister, b-i-l, and nephew were there for a night. It was really nice getting to see them. Thanksgiving went reallly smoothly. Everything was delicious! Jake's mom did most of the cooking. Jake made the Turkey in a brine and it was sooooo good. He's the official turkey man now. It was nice because we were able to spend it with his family and mine. I was a little worried about how that would go, but it was nice. We actually spent a lot of time with both families together. To be honest, I was real glad when Sunday came. It's exhausting to have so many people around you so much. But it was still nice. I have some pictures to post, but Jake left the camera at work so you'll have to wait.

I did a little Black Friday shopping and I wasn't that impressed. I think it's good if there's an electronic you need or something specific. Not so good for browsing. The best part was going home and taking the best nap of my life! Jake and I actually have a good jump on our Christmas shopping. Which is good because we need to have everything done by the 17th when we go out of town.

And I've had a pretty good week as far as working out and eating goes. I needed it after much eating and sitting around over the long Thanksgiving weekend. I've discovered that the Taco Bell Fresco menu is really good for a cheap, relatively healthy lunch. I really need to be careful because August is coming up soon! My goal is to be skinny for Michelley's wedding. The thing I wasn't thinking about is that we'll probably be dress shopping in January! Duh! Oh well. I'll just have to get it taken in! ;) I also want to get in shape so that I can bike with Jake and Josh once it gets nicer out. So I have 2 really good things to motivate me to stop being such a lazy ass. Wish me luck!

Work has been slow again, blah. I think it's pretty typical for this time of year, but its still kind of scary with the economy and everything. But things are going good in the job department generally, so I'm blessed.

I guess that's all I got for now. Not to much going on. We're heading to Michigan this weekend to visit with the Pavlicas. Should be a good time. I'll post some picture soon!


Wendy Min said...

Jake is a turkey man now! Wow! I don't think I (or Cameron for that matter) could cook a turkey!

I did Black Friday for the first time and it was fun to go out with people but the deals were...okay. I think I would have found that stuff on sale in a month or so anyway...

I miss you!

jj said...

We're doing well. We'll be in Ohio Christmas Weekend (Sat-Mon), so we may try to find a way to stop by your house. Miss you guys, too. :-)