Thursday, November 13, 2008

Working 9 - 5...

Josh's post has me thinking about the whole job situation... How is everyone doing? Liking your jobs? Happy with what your degree got you?

For those who don't know or just don't remember, I work for a very small company. It's owned by a husband and wife and their son works for them. They sell industrial fans. It's actually a lot of engineering and it's kind of hard to explain the actual process. I don't even get most of it and I've been here for almost a year. I basically am a secretary. I do slightly more than that, but not much. I definitely don't need a degree to work here. Although I will say I think you have to have some intelligence to eventually grasp these concepts.

The thing about working here is that I really like the people. There are some pretty cool extras too. Twice a year we go with out significant others (a whopping total of 6) to a fancy dinner ( when we went in April our appetizer alone was $100!) and a Christmas bonus and an end of the fiscal year bonus for my retirement fund. Plus they take me out to lunch a lot and even get me gifts for birthdays and house warmings and things of that nature. They are just really good people.

The thing is....I want to have kids. I know I still have plenty of time, but I feel like I'm just passing the time until Jake and I are ready. There wouldn't be necessarily anything wrong with that, but the purpose of them hiring me is so that sometime relatively soon Steve ( the owner) can retire. So I don't want to waste their time either. And truthfully I think I know that even if kids weren't an issue I don't think I'd fit the role they would want me to play.

But honestly I don't even want to think about changing things right now. Jake and I are still getting adjusted to owning a house. Plus, who wants to look for a job with the way things are now...

Monday, November 10, 2008

What the Christmas?!

Does anyone else hate how retailers are pushing Christmas on us so early? Christmas merchandise was out before Halloween was even over! It's soooo cheating. At the earliest Christmas starts the day after Thanksgiving.

The worst part is that it's so tempting to jump right in the festivities. On one side, as my mom pointed out, the Christmas season rushes by so should we embrace this early Christmas? On the other hand what makes it special is that its only once a year. It already gets a whole month, which is more than any other event in life. Birthdays, weddings, other holidays. When will we draw the line for starting Christmas?!?!?!!!

I have to admit that while cleaning on Sunday I did put on The Nutcracker CD. See what I mean about temptation? Although in my defense after the first couple of songs it's less Christmassy. I still felt like a cheater though.

What are everyone's plans for the holidays? Jake and I will have Thanksgiving at our house. His parents and sister and nephew will come down. We'll have dinner with my immediate family and his....I'm hopin that all works out. It won't be bad, maybe just awkward. Wish me luck.

For Christmas we'll go to the Pavlica's for St. Nicholas Day. Then we'll head up to Michigan on the 17th for Ryan Straight's wedding and Christmas with Jake's family. We'll head back to Cleveland on Christmas Eve. I love getting to see everyone for the Holidays, but I hate all the travel. Let's all just move south!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

O-bam-a, O-bam-a, O-bam-a

I cannot get that song out of my head!! Have you heard it?
The Will-i-am one? Here's the link...

I'm not such a huge fan of propaganda usually, but I liked it.

So who's pumped that Obama won? I have to say I am glad! It's not even that I don't have my doubts. This country is so down right now it's naive to think that one man can change that in 4 or even 8 years. And I think I feel like in politics its really more of a choice between the lesser of two evils. I mean really...who in their right mind wants all that responsibility? I guess that's just the lazy, fearful side of me. I guess I should be glad people do want that kind of responsibility. I'm just real glad McCain and Palin won't be in the White House. For as little as I know, I know I don't want someone who is so similar to Bush. It's time for a different party in office. Even though Barak Obama has little experience, I feel, like many people, like maybe that's what we need right now. It's not like he's not an intelligent man. So though I have my fears, I'm anxious for change. I think they are the fears we should all have at this point no matter who was elected.

I've been thinking lately about the abortion issue and it's deeply ingrained importance in Christianity. Let's face it; a lot of Christians vote republican simply on that issue alone. I just don't feel like the issue is that important. Not to say that life isn't important, but I'm just questioning when that became a major political point? There will always be abortion - even if it is illegal. People will find a way.

The other big thing I've been thinking about is the question of "when does life start?" According to the view many Christians take is at conception. But then that includes aspects of invitro fertilization doesn't it? I'm not gonna lie - I don't know the biology behind it, but there is a process that would be abortion according to the conception definition. If, God forbid, I can't get pregnant that would be heartbreaking to me. I don't know if I could not do whatever I could to get pregnant even if it was technically abortion if I defined it that way. Growing up in a Christian home abortion has always been one of those black and white issues. Now I'm realizing how grey it can be. It's really hard for me to think of babies with fingernails and heart beats being aborted. There's a part of me that feels like too often abortions acts as an easy out. I fully believe that people should take responsibility for their actions. You know when you're having sex babies happen. Especially because there are many people who can't have babies that would gladly adopt. But what about when that child will be born at the cost of the mother's life? I guess I just have conflicting opinions. It may just be one of those things that I'll never really know which way to lean...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween and a little randomness

Saturday Jake and I had our Halloween party. It was kind of a small crowd, but man was it a good time. I think we decided that 4th of July and Halloween will be "our" thing. I love getting together with all my favorite people and just hang out. We really do have awesome friends. Another bonus is that at some point in the night a dance party usually breaks out. And who doesn't love a dance party?!

We took Kiwi and Lemon over to my parents house during the party. It's nice to have some place to take them when we need to. Plus they're so comfortable being there because they lived there. I think my parents' dog Oliver loves it too. It's been going pretty good with them. I was kind of worried about getting two puppies while both Jake and I work full time. But they keep each other company and have been doing well with the potty training. I'm a proud momma already :)

So now the countdown is on until Thanksgiving. It's sad when I am so looking forward to a day off. Don't get me wrong, my job is eeeeaaaasssssyyy. But its been slow and boring lately. Blah...

P.S. Check out Facebook for pictures from Halloween and more puppies.